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The Legacy School, Inc. DBA Listen to Kids
New Orleans, Louisiana 70130

Professional Dev. for Educators, Counselors, and Foster Parents

Read about training programs that we support through our Prof. Dev. Scholarship program!

Learn about TBRI.

TBRI (Trust-Based Relational Intervention)

Learn about SITT.

SITT (Story-Informed Trauma Therapy)

Becoming a Trauma-Sensitive Doctor's Office

The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) identifies the following components of Trauma-Informed Clinical Practices:

  1. Involving patients in the treatment process
  2. Screening for trauma
  3. Training staff in trauma-specific treatment approaches
  4. Engaging referral sources & partnering organizations

and the following components of Trauma-Informed Organizational Practices:

  1. Communicating about the transformation process
  2. Engaging patients in organizational planning
  3. Training clinical as well as non-clinical staff members
  4. Creating a safe environment
  5. Preventing secondary traumatic stress in staff

As you decide which trauma screening tool(s) would be best for your office, we recommend starting with the list compiled by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, HERE.

To understand the components of trauma-informed care in more detail, read the full article from CHCS:

"Key Ingredients for Successful Trauma-Informed Care Implementation" by Christopher Menschner and Alexandra Maul

Further Reading for Providers


"Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adult Criminality: How Long Must We Live before We Possess Our Own Lives?" by James Reavis, Jan Looman, Kristina Franco, & Briana Rojas

Center for Disease Control - Adverse Childhood Experiences

"Integrating Play in Trauma-informed care: Multidisciplinary Pediatric Healthcare Provider Perspectives" by Katherine Stenman, Jennifer Christofferson, Melissa A Alderfer, Jessica Pierce, Carrie Kelly, Elizabeth Schifano, Samantha Klaff, Jennifer Sciolla, Janet Deatrick, Anne E Kazak

"Transforming Trauma; Seeking Recovery for Those in Corrections" by David M. Young




Professional Development for Providers


Academy on Violence & Abuse

California ACEs Academy Webinars

Darkness to Light

Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences

National Child Traumatic Stress Network

schools        healthcare        justice

NICABM (National Institute for Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine)

PACES Connection

Spreading HOPE Online Learning Course

Stressed Teens Certificate Program

Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga

(This is a program of the Center for Trauma & Embodiment {CFTE} at the Justice Resource Institute.)


Request Customized Professional Development (in-person or live video)

REQUEST FORM: Professional Development

Once we receive your form, Michelle will review your request and reach out to contact you within a week.