This section is a compilation of answers to the questions most commonly asked by our constituents. Just start by following one of the links below. If you can’t find the question you wanted to ask, don’t hesitate to contact us.
What is PTSD?
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. All forms of child abuse (including neglect) are, by definition, trauma. If there is a pattern of trauma in someone’s life, especially if those events occurred before he or she turned 18, PTSD can be classified as “Complex” or CPTSD. CPTSD brings more severe and frequent symptoms, which last longer than in cases of PTSD.
What are the symptoms of PTSD?
· Recurring, intrusive memories of traumatic events
· Hypervigilance
· Feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, depression, or exaggerated anger
· Nightmares & Insomnia
· Dissociation (feeling disconnected from your body)
· Avoidance of situations that remind the person of a traumatic event
· Heightened startle reaction
· Difficulty concentrating or finding the right words -
If PTSD is untreated, what happens?
Untreated PTSD has been repeatedly correlated to behaviors such as suicidal tendencies, addiction, anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, a criminal lifestyle, and extreme risk-taking.
We give abused or neglected teens what they need in a moment of crisis. Sometimes, what they need is just a phrase (“I believe you.”) or a gesture of concern and kindness. Sometimes they need to be rescued from a situation. Sometimes they need their caregivers to be mentally healthy and appropriately trained. Sometimes they need a new start.
They’ll always need food, shelter, clothing, and safety.
How many kids have you helped?
Thousands in the NOLA area.
Why don’t you have more pictures of kids on the website?
Our child-clients are sometimes not yet in a stable environment. In fact, the majority of them are homeless and have been abused. In most cases, we don’t even know our child-clients’ names or see their faces; all assistance is given through a healthcare provider or educator. We respect each child’s privacy and protect them as if they’re our own. If you do see a photo of a child on our website, we’ve either determined that he or she is safe enough and the child as well as a legal guardian has given permission, or it’s a stock photo. None of the children depicted on our website are current victims, and many have never been victims of abuse. They’re supporters.
May I read old newsletters and memos?